Any citizen of the United States, 18 years of age or older and a member in good standing in the National Rifle Association, may become a member of the True Sportsman Club.  To become a member one must submit annually a membership form with payment of dues and NRA membership number.  (NRA memberships may be acquired along with TSC membership)


$120/ member

Renewal applications will be mailed out to each current club member immediately after the New Year’s Day holiday.  Members will have until January 31 (one month) to submit their renewal applications after which time membership in the club will be opened to new members, those who are on the Waiting List.  Applications will be sent out and received by those on the Waiting List until the maximum number of members is reached.

If  your name is on the Waiting List it will remain there until you either receive a membership application or until you notify us otherwise. 

– TSC Membership is currently CLOSED-