Regular Business Meeting: Mountain Mikes Pizza, 1st Wednesday of the Month after 6:00PM  (except for June and July due to Summer Trap League)


A&A Shooters –

Saturdays (8:00 am to noon):   February 15, 22

                                                  March 1, 8, 15, 29

                                                   April 12

                                                  May 10, 24, 31

                                                  June 7, 14

Tuesdays (2:00 pm until dark):  March 4, 11, 18, 29

                                                   April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

                                                   May 6, 13, 20, 27

                                                   June 3, 10, 17

Special Practice Friday morning, June 20


February 21 – rifle range closed for PD/CHP certifications.  Pistol and archery ranges

will be open.

February 22 – 2025 Safety and Orientation Meeting at 1:00 pm, after the A&A practice.

May 16 – rifle range closed for PD/CHP certifications.  Pistol and archery ranges will be open.

 August 8 – rifle range closed for PD/CHP certifications.  Pistol and archery ranges will be open.

 August 15-16, 2025 – range closed for Top Cop event.

November 14 – rifle range closed for PD/CHP certifications.  Pistol and archery ranges will be open.